You will be able to set up your portfolio site and exhibit your work to the world online.
You may store your project at our warehouse at a monthly fee of 500 yen plus tax per unit (W:100cm x D:100cm x H:45cm).
The application procedure is as follows:
Log in to MY PAGE
Click the PROJECTS tab at the top of the page.
Click on Add your project and register your project.
Once registration of your project is complete, click the Deposit button on the project you wish to deposit.
*Your project can only be deposited directly at the warehouse.
You can apply up to 60 days in advance. You can apply to deposit (pickup) until 5:00 pm, 2 business days prior to the deposit date.
Please go to the warehouse below to deposit (pickup) your project.
We charge 500 yen plus tax per month for 1 unit (W:100cm × D:100cm × H:45cm).
The storage fee will be calculated based on the size of the package at the time of deposit.
it is not based on the size of the project.
For example:
If package size is W:90cm × D:100cm × H:45cm → 1 unit, 500 yen plus tax/month
If package size is W:150cm × D:100cm × H:45cm → 2 units, 1000 yen plus tax/month
If package size is W:150cm × D:100cm × H:80cm → 4 units, 2000 yen plus tax/month
The deposit (pickup) process will take approximately 30 minutes. However, we may require more time depending on the number of projects being deposited (picked up).
The application procedure is as follows:
Log in to your MY PAGE
Click the PROJECTS tab at the top of the page
Click the Pickup button on the project you wish to pick up
*Your project can only be picked up at the warehouse"
The pickup fee is 960 yen plus tax per project.
You will be billed the membership fee when membership registration is complete.
Your storage fee will be billed on a monthly basis at the end of each month. Your pickup fee will be billed when the pickup process at the warehouse is complete.
We only accept credit cards.
Temperature and humidity control - The temperature and humidity settings of the warehouse are changed in accordance with the season to prevent drastic changes in temperature/humidity during deposit and pickup.
Humidity is controlled at 50%+-5%, and the projects are safely stored and protected with a double security system.
In the unlikely event that a project is damaged while stored at our warehouse, we will cover up to 10,000 yen per project.
To reset your password:
Go to the URL: https://online.archi-depot.com/password_reminder
Enter your registered email and click the Send button.
We will send you an email with a link to the password reset page.
Please open the email and go to the URL provided in the email within 30 minutes to reset your password.
To change your password:
Log in to your MY PAGE
Click the ACCOUNT tab at the top of the page
Go to Password reset to reset your password.